Copyright: All artwork/content protected under ©2007-2011 Lynne Ciacco

All content herein copyright © Lynne Ciacco

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Devil or Angel?

After creating the previous image of the horned woman I got to wondering about a whole species of similarly endowed individuals. People who look more or less like humans but with protuberances growing from their heads.

c.2014 L.Ciacco. Little Imp. Digital art, Asus tablet with Sketchbook Express

Remember the old nursery rhyme,
"What are little girls made of:
Sugar and spice and everything nice"?
What if we acknowledge that touch of impishness as well!

 Here's how the little imp looks without her horns.

c.2014 L.Ciacco. Sugar and Spice? Digital art with Asus tablet + Sketchbook Express

Which version do you prefer?

Have you ever met a little girl who, no matter how friendly and endearing you try  to be with her, the only response you get is an unnervingly serious stare accompanied by the silent treatment?
Well if not, you have now!

 Happy Mothers Day!


  1. Seems your new digital tool is just the inspiration for which you've been looking! I love the soft, complimentary springtime colors, and quite prefer the devilish version. Seems you are already very proficient with this new tablet! Have a lovely mother's day and keep 'em coming!

    1. You are so right, Stickup, I love having the challenge of a new art tool to play with. And I can bring this one with me anywhere I go. Thanks for the encouragement! I must admit that these horned creatures met with some, shall we say, "resistance" when I shared them elsewhere.

      I sense a horny uncle lurking in the background, waiting to make his appearance...

  2. You are cracking me up Lynne and your girls have sent my wayward mind in two directions...1. She must be a "Mormon" because it has long been rumored that all Mormons have horns (I can say that because I are one). And 2. mind in the gutter...Lynne has taken up painting horny women. I apologize I was up late with my grandkids last night. Have a Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Love to hear your cackle of mirth, Deann! I must admit, when I posted the horned woman of the previous post on my FB page, the caption I put on her read, "Reindeer woman openly displaying her horniness." I'm afraid I shocked a few innocent bystanders with that one. Glad you are made of sturdier stuff! Must be your Mormon upbringing.

  3. haha! I think I like the first one, because her true nature is showing, both in the horns and in that impish smirk!

    1. She does seem happier with her horns showing, doesn't she! Keeping them hidden takes too much effort.

  4. in both she has a smile on her lips. the horned girls might make a novel. something by Anne Mcafferty. I may have that name wrong. Who wrote about the dragonfly people.

    1. Yes, Anne McCafferty, I have read many of her books. Fully imagined fantasy worlds. I'm afraid I lack the patience (ie. am too lazy) to write the stories that surely must go with these horned creatures...but I think they will keep popping up to give us glimpses of their otherworld, nevertheless.

  5. Bye, Sarah Tops?

    1. By a little internet search I've come to think your reference has something to do with Boys Own books...or some kind of fashion wear. Knowing you, though, I would opt for the former.
