Copyright: All artwork/content protected under ©2007-2011 Lynne Ciacco

All content herein copyright © Lynne Ciacco

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Maxim of the Week

On his first dive ever into a swimming pool,
Kenny remembered just about everything his instructor
had told him.
Sink or swim.


This maxim is my little nod to the Olympics.

Canada has a serious diving contender, Alexandre Depatie, who will be competing in spite of a recent head injury suffered while executing a dive; possibly incurred because he, like Kenny,  remembered almost everything his coach had told him


Don't forget if you're interested in diving into the draw for a little piece of my art , leave a comment to that effect on the
previous post (ie. the one before this one!...see below...).
 Names will be fished out on August 1.


  1. Like Kenny, I would like to dive into your Pool for a chance at winning a piece of your Art.

    1. Shirl,
      You don't have enough already?! Okey dokey, your name's being thrown into the pool.

  2. I just love your artwork...happy...and delighted for a chance at winning a piece of your art.

    1. Danielle,
      Okay, will throw your name in at the deep end and see if it gets fished out on pool cleaning day.

  3. Sounds a bit drastic,when it comes to life floating would be easier!


    1. Ruby,
      Oh but that would require a different maxim like, "Go with the flow!" Or maybe, "Whatever floats your boat"?

  4. "All that glory shining around and we're all caught taking a dive..."

    (name that tune...)(too easy, I know)(but not fair to Google it if stumped...):-)

    1. Owen,
      ya know what? I dunno! But with words like that, I can only guess at Bruce C. He likes to use the word "glory" in particular. Am I right? Am I right?

  5. PS got there late, but took a dive in the soup pot...

    1. BrOwen,
      Yes, I noticed that you had almost dived into my Décolleté by "accident" (the thought of a small toad harbouring there makes me decidedly squirmish!) Hardly appropriate brotherly action, but as you caught yourself in time, I will allow you to simmer in the soup pot with the rest. Actually, it's a beret, so even more fitting for you. Bonne chance!

  6. You guessed it, from the title track of that timeless disk "In the Falling Dark"...

    And tomorrow is the first of August, can't wait to see what will happen, am hopping about like any excited toad would be.

    Well, whatever happens, we are all winners, as we get to visit here regularly to see your fabulous flights of fancy...

    1. I've had "Rumours of Glory" on a loop in my brain since you posted the quote. Not such a bad thing.

  7. Lesson of life ;)

    1. Ötli,
      Yes, too true. Reminds me of those parents who throw their babies into the water to see if they can swim. Oh but wait, maybe that would be "throwing the baby out with the bath water." Another maxim for another day...

  8. Good one, Lynne. Canada should have a good chance at a medal in swimming- go, Canada!

    1. Sharmon,
      I think Canada came away with one gold medal on this outing. But the teams looked cool in their little denim jackets at the closing ceremonies!
