Copyright: All artwork/content protected under ©2007-2011 Lynne Ciacco

All content herein copyright © Lynne Ciacco

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Maxim of the Week

Gaia found that one of the benefits of being a Kundalini yoga teacher was never having to wonder what to wear.
It's a blessing in disguise.


  1. yes, a uniform like back in Catholic school although i didnt go to a school requiring a uniform. also like being a nurse and such, you have so fewer deocr decisions to make. LOL

    1. Sukipoet,
      I actually did wear a uniform (pleated tunic)to high school for fun! I bought a few at the Sally Ann (or St.Vincent de Paul--same diff) and wore them unbelted, with white lace tights. Well, I thought I looked pretty cool!

  2. Uniforms definitely have their benefits!

    1. Jeanne,
      I had a job with BC Tourism for awhile which had uniforms for us that were like stewardess outfits. I almost didn't get the job because of what I wore to the interview, but they figured that as they were going to dress me up, it didn't matter. I rebelled at wearing pumps, though!

  3. A uniform can be a blessing...I find I have been wearing the same comfortable favorite clothes over and over...much more so than in years past. Wonderful drawing...those toes!

    1. Blue Sky,
      Oh, I pretty much live in what I call my "painting rags" for most of the year. Summertime, I have two favourite dresses that I alternate. It's such a relief to not have to think up some jazzy new outfit every day. The real danger is to "give up" entirely, though. I've been gradually refurbishing my "wardrobe" with a few new items on the rare occasion that I find something that I like and that actually fits. But really,living out here in the sticks--who cares?! I'm going to start thinking of my "rags" as my "uniform."

  4. I sometimes think wearing a uniform of sorts would be a good idea.However,like my dream of living in a convent,it's likely to be very short lived! I suppose on a broader level we all wear uniforms which slot us into our niches in society.

    1. Ruby,
      I think that's a very astute observation, that "we all wear uniforms which slot us into our niches in society." Not uniforms but codes. Too bad (?) that your convent dream is so unlikely as it would certainly take care of the uniform and just about every other choice one would have to make in life.

  5. It's true. You either have a knack for clothes, fashion and accessories, or you end up wearing what you are comfortable in and that becomes your personal uniform. Personally, colorful patterns scare me...

    1. Stickup,
      Ideally, what you're comfortable in would not preclude a knack for clothes, fashion and accessories. All too often, however, I find it's dictated by the contents (or lack thereof) of one's purse. I'm trying to wean myself off black. Summer is the one time I indulge in patterns and colours: they're just so overwhelming, aren't they? Like they're wearing you rather than the other way around. But then you, dear Stickup, are a woman clearly not afraid to sport a skull-infested bandanna around your head,so I don't think you're entirely afraid of colourful patterns!
