Copyright: All artwork/content protected under ©2007-2011 Lynne Ciacco

All content herein copyright © Lynne Ciacco

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Bus Stops Here

The second major snowstorm this week gave me the perfect excuse to lose myself in making some digital art.  Trying out some new "brushes" I recently acquired I got the impulse to drop a couple of photos into the mix.  Several hours later (still in nightgown at 4:00 pm!) I emerged with a couple of pleasing results.

This is the full meal deal, with all the colours and textures. I used two photos taken from a bus window on different days, one of a yellow building and the other of a young woman checking her cell phone while waiting for a bus. The graffiti was photographed on the wall of a washroom stall at the Emily Carr University of Art & Design a few years ago.

This is a scaled back version of the same composition, giving a lighter, brighter feel to the scene.  Do you have a preference?  I spend a lot of time trying out different effects and it gets quite mind boggling to choose between them.

I read a quote today about digital art that resonated with me:

"While the computer has brought new possibilities and versatilities, fundamentally it is just another medium that the artist of the 21st Century can choose to use--among oils, watercolours, acrylics, the airbrush and so on.  The important part of the whole equation--the artist--remains unchanged by the choice of medium."
John Grant
Digital Art for the 21st Century

I find that terribly reassuring.


  1. nice to see you back blogging, lynne!!

    first i thought i like the second one better... but the longer i look, the harder the choice... great anyway - each of them. and that´s because the artist can handle the tools so well... so, the quote is right!

    1. What a sweet compliment, Johanna! I am constantly learning new ways of using those tools so that's pretty exciting...and challenging. I'm glad you like both versions of the picture.

  2. me too!

    Such a pleasure to find you posting again, Lynne. Your art and insights always inspire. Both versions are pleasing, but there is something about the first that seems complete or right.

    1. Always encouraging to feel validated in our efforts, n'est-ce pas, Bonnie? There's a wee bit of guilt I feel in moving away from paint on canvas...but not enough to stop me pushing pixels!
      It feels good to be back in the blog saddle again...though just how often I ride out remains to be seen. :-)
      Interesting that you prefer the first version of the picture. I think it has a more painterly effect to it, making the whole seem a little more integrated, while the second one has a starker, more graphic feel. Nice to see you here!

  3. At first I thought I liked the second one better, but after looking at them several more times, I decided the first one seems more 'integrated' or something. The quote is right, but I still find that the possibilities inherent in digital media make me feel a bit overwhelmed.

    1. Yes, "integrated" that's just the word! I was saying to Bonnie (see previous comment) that it has a more painterly feel to it, which is perhaps why you gravitate more towards it. Digital collage, glue to try to wash off one's hands!

  4. I am not so positive that I find that just means that there is another medium at which I or rather am conspicuous by my mediocrity. Digital is not so straight forward as other mediums and involves practice but once you learn how to use the tools you can fly with such ease and take a complete about face in the middle of a's liberating.
    You my friend have no such worries your artwork is decidedly noteworthy beautiful job on both of these. I am generally a fan of darker colors so I find that version more appealing. Also in the top version the focus is on the whole image in the bottom it is on her so what is your either case well done.

  5. Excellent point, Deann, about "what is my intention." I agree with you that the darker version is more of a piece (perhaps more "painterly") whereas the second has a clearer focus on the figure (perhaps more "photographic"). Just goes to prove that I am one mixed up mash up of an "artiste" these days! :-) But I'm enjoying the process, generally pleased with the results, and loving the comments such as your own. And you, my dear, are a digital wiz, so no need to be modest about your skills!

  6. I'm actually pretty darned grateful for the computer and the software. There isn't a day in my life that isn't made more effortless because both are at my disposal. Anyway, I guess I'll break from the majority and say I like the lighter version. Seems more open to possibilities where as the atmosphere (or life) seems to be closing in as a result of that phone call to the figure of the first. It's so interesting how people interpret ones art...

    1. I'm no techie but I sure do appreciate what I can see, do, learn,share, create and play with thanks to the computer. I love playing with images using Photoshop and other software. So many variations on a theme...and so many unexpected avenues to find oneself investigating. I'm glad you opt for the second version. When I was experimenting with turning off and on different layers and trying different blending modes, that version popped out and my reaction was an "Oh yes!" I liked the space and clarity and focus of it. It was like having non-identical twins--the same yet different and each equally loved.
      It is so true how interesting people's interpretations of one's art can be. I've had people tell me what they've seen in my work that I had absolutely no intention of creating. I love that!

  7. Very interesting.......I wonder what the young woman would think of these images!


    1. Yes, it is a bit of an invasion of privacy...but I don't believe I did her any harm.
