Copyright: All artwork/content protected under ©2007-2011 Lynne Ciacco

All content herein copyright © Lynne Ciacco

Friday, February 22, 2013

Double Dipping

When manipulating pictures in Photoshop, I'm often confused as to whether or not they should be classified as digital art and hung out on my art blog.  Sometimes it's obvious, but with this picture, I just couldn't make up my mind.

Most of you who visit Ragzedge don't frequent my "home and away" blog, Décolleté, so I'm sharing the fruits of my labours in both places this time round.  If you'd like to know more about this scene, and see a couple of variations of the photo, do take a little peek into my Décolleté.

Some of you will be glad to know that I've got a new maxim ready to roll this Sunday: I know I am!


  1. beautifully done - excuse me while I hop over to check out your Decollete blog!

    1. You are too kind! Thank you for taking the time to indulge me and visit both blogs. I appreciate it.

  2. very clever arrangement of the subjects! i would vote yes to digital the way the background textures/ colors emphasize the baby's clothing. i checked out the other site too and particularly like the faded vignette version.

    1. Well, that's the thing--I didn't arrange them at all. I stole past at an outdoor fair and grabbed this picture in passing. The colours and contrast in the original photo are quite dreadful, but I had such an adventure with it in Photoshop. Thank you, Beth, for this vote of confidence.

  3. A wonderful portrait with a background texture supreme.

    1. Leovi,
      I'm so pleased you like the background texture as I made it myself from various papers I've scanned: a Medieval text and a chocolate wrapper.
