Copyright: All artwork/content protected under ©2007-2011 Lynne Ciacco

All content herein copyright © Lynne Ciacco

Thursday, March 18, 2010


The warm, sunny colours of mid-day in Calabria.

The penultimate step of the painting.  At this stage I didn't like how it was blasting right off the top of the canvas and felt some more softening marks were needed around the bottom edge of the composition.

Here are the basic colours laid down.  The building is time-worn and faded by the centuries of hot noonday sunshine.

You can see that right off the bat I was remembering the Calabrian sunshine.

The painting always starts with a fabric collage and then the appropriately toned photos are found to complement those colours.  I also look for details in the photos that will reflect some of the patterns in the fabric.  It's important to start off with a good fabric composition.  It's tricky to find the right photos (I'm running out!) and then to determine what size and level of saturation to print them.  The really annoying, fidgety stage is combining the photos and fabric as it involves machine and hand sewing, followed by a very messy gluing session.  In the end, it's the painting that's the easiest part.


  1. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing photos of the transformation from unmatched bits to a harmonious whole. Amazing process!

  2. Calico Paint,
    You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed the transformative process. I don't always remember to record the steps from start to finish, so am happy to share them when I do. It's always a surprise for myself, where a piece ends up.

  3. another beauty. i just want to be there in the hot sun.

  4. Suki,
    Oh you and me both! If I had my life to live over...
