Copyright: All artwork/content protected under ©2007-2011 Lynne Ciacco

All content herein copyright © Lynne Ciacco

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Lady Madonna

The only piece of artwork I've done since starting Biz College is about to leave home. "Lady Madonna" came about at the very end of my Xmas break when, after 2 1/2 weeks, I'd just gotten back into my artist skin. Needing some "instant" gratification, I turned my energies to making a collage of magazine images, old newspapers, a music sheet, artpapers, acrlyic paint, and crayons. In keeping with the season, this madonna materialized. Within it, a clipping from an Italian magazine reads, "Dire no alla perfezione" which I think is an important message, especially to women. When I showed this work to my Office Admin class this week, my instructor fell in love with it and claimed it for her own.


  1. Driftwood & Turtles2/11/2008

    Lucky her ~

  2. Anonymous2/11/2008

    you are just a-drooling with talent
