Copyright: All artwork/content protected under ©2007-2011 Lynne Ciacco

All content herein copyright © Lynne Ciacco

Medieval Series

The Medieval Series c.2013 Lynne Ciacco
This series of fifteen collages was made from ripped-up wall calendars of a medieval theme, art papers, wallpaper samples, painted paper towels, and fabric scraps. Each is approx. 8 x 6 inches.


  1. They look amazing all together!

    1. Thank you! And thanks for encouraging me to post them all on one page.

  2. Anonymous9/19/2013

    Hi Lynne, thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog today. I love this series! There is this tarot thing one of my friends does where you look through all of the cards in her deck, and you pick your favorite one, and that is supposed to signify something about you. You could do that with this series (not that you should because holy cow, that would be a lot of work, but you could). For the record, my fave is the one with the prominent S. What does this say about me? Maybe that I have a secret garden? And I go there to eat cake when I don't want to share? Which is your favorite?

    1. I’m so glad you like the Medieval Series. It’s interesting that you liken it to a Tarot deck as I had the same feeling about it once I’d finished the series. Unfortunately, I ran out of materials and was left one card short of having the 21 needed to make up the Major Arcana. Quite frustrating! I do have a separate Tarot series that I’ve been working on, off and on, over a few years now…again, just the Major Arcana. I doubt that I’ll ever make the full 72 card deck.

      I’m sure that you have a Subliminal Secret Garden where you Sequester yourself away to Secretly eat Symboli Strawberry Shortcake and that is, indeed, why you are drawn to the card with the prominent S!

      As any mother is not supposed to admit to having a favourite amongst her offspring, I really shouldn’t let on to having a fave in the Medieval Series…but just between you and me, I think I’d have to go with the one of the woman reading the book (large face, hands, book…and the letter J). Maybe it’s because I’m a bit bookish myself; but also because I like the bold simplicity of it.
